Gain deeper insight with articles that give our considered opinion and predictions of where the industry will go next.
FATCA and CRS Curing Periods
Our affiliate, Marco Zawar, asks if FATCA and CRS document curing and classification requests to verify Change in Circumstances are being correctly implemented.
Deferral of FATCA and CRS Reporting Deadlines – Should You Be Taking Advantage?
With the entrance of Covid-19, a lot of things have changed in the world, and a lot of extra stressors have piled on. And it's left firms wondering, should they take advantage of the defered FATCA and CRS reporting deadlines?
TRACE: The next big tax thing
Since Finland announced that it would be the first country to adopt the OECD’s The Tax Relief and Compliance Enhancement (TRACE) IP from 1st January 2021, there has been much excitement in the marketplace about the new regime and the opportunity it presents for financial institutions operating in global markets.
Benefits of Being a US Qualified Intermediary: Malta Stock Exchange
TConsult is delighted to announce that we have been invited to present a training course for the Malta Stock Exchange, where we will be delivering a two hour presentation discussing the benefits of being a US qualified intermediary at 9am on Monday 21st January 2019.
Nationality, domicile, residency, citizenship and beneficial ownership
We often find that linguistic issues can cause problems for firms looking to establish the correct withholding rate for their clients. In particular, we have seen the distinctions between nationality, citizenship, domicile, residency and beneficial ownership cause a degree of avoidable consternation. In this post, we present a quick reference guide.
CorpActions2018 (London)
TConsult's chairman, Ross McGill, will be appearing as a panelist at CorpActions2018 in London on Wednesday 3rd October alongside Mariano Giralt from BNY Mellon and Paola Deantoni from SG Securities Services to discuss tax and reporting, including inefficient withholding tax collection procedures, communication flow issues across cross-border capital markets, tax evasion regulation, where the responsibility for failures lies, and entitlements.
Tax Congress for Financial Institutions (London)
TConsult's chairman, Ross McGill, will be appearing as a panelist at the Tax Congress for Financial Institutions in London on Wednesday 19th September alongside Peter Grant from KPMG and Kevin Custis from Rathbones to discuss KYC, AML, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion in the Digital Age.
FATCA Failures: Holistic compliance or just full of holes?
In the last eighteen months we’ve conducted compliance reviews in five countries on twelve Tier 2 and Tier 3 financial institutions. In this post, we unpick the strategies we have seen firms use to approach their QI and FATCA obligations, and highlight the problems we have observed when firms fail to take a holistic approach to compliance.
QI vs NQI, That is the Question
May 14, 2015In this post, Ross McGill discusses QI status vs NQI status and asks why so many financial firms are recommending that clients become QIs.Read more