Gain deeper insight with articles that give our considered opinion and predictions of where the industry will go next.
Are AML and CFT Based Practices for Validation of Tax Residency Inadequate for AEoI CRS Purposes?
Marco Zawar shares his views on why Anti Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorsism related due diligence measures in Hong Kong are insufficient to meet financial institutions’ AML/KYC requirements under AEoI/CRS…
FATCA and CRS Curing Periods
Our affiliate, Marco Zawar, asks if FATCA and CRS document curing and classification requests to verify Change in Circumstances are being correctly implemented.
Deferral of FATCA and CRS Reporting Deadlines – Should You Be Taking Advantage?
With the entrance of Covid-19, a lot of things have changed in the world, and a lot of extra stressors have piled on. And it's left firms wondering, should they take advantage of the defered FATCA and CRS reporting deadlines?
Nationality, domicile, residency, citizenship and beneficial ownership
We often find that linguistic issues can cause problems for firms looking to establish the correct withholding rate for their clients. In particular, we have seen the distinctions between nationality, citizenship, domicile, residency and beneficial ownership cause a degree of avoidable consternation. In this post, we present a quick reference guide.
GATCA: A Practical Guide to Global Anti-Tax Evasion Frameworks
TConsult's subject matter experts Ross McGill, Chris Haye and Stuart Lipo have written a new book providing a practical guide to global anti-tax evasion frameworks. In this post, Stuart describes the context for the book...
The Challenges of GATCA
The global anti-tax evasion frameworks that comprise GATCA have as many commonalities as they have differences, so it makes sense to approach regulatory compliance in a holistic fashion.
In this post, we explore how smaller firms are responding to the pressures of compliance...
QI vs NQI, That is the Question
May 14, 2015In this post, Ross McGill discusses QI status vs NQI status and asks why so many financial firms are recommending that clients become QIs.Read more