Our experts have authored widely referenced books for the subjects of withholding tax, anti-tax evasion, custody and clearing services

Cross-Border Investment Withholding Tax (Second Edition)
by Ross McGill
This book provides a clear and concise explanation of withholding tax and how to leverage best practice to generate improved investment performance. It gives practical guidance to financial service firms and investors to help them understand the issues involved, trends and practicalities of maximizing returns on investment.

GATCA: A Practical Guide to Global Anti-Tax Evasion Frameworks
by Ross McGill, Chris Haye and Stuart Lipo
This book is a practical guide to global anti-tax evasion frameworks. Coverage includes base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), and the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI). It covers the practical operational issues these frameworks present and offers insight into practical compliance options and operational methodologies to reduce costs and risks. The book concludes with insights into how institutions can translate these complex obligations into effective client communications.

US Withholding Tax Practical Implications of QI and FATCA
By Ross McGill
The US is the world’s largest capital market. Its withholding tax system is also the most complex. This book is essential reading for investors and intermediaries trying to comply with US QI and FATCA tax regulations. It guides the reader through these complex regulations with simple and practical insights into how to meet these compliance burdens.

Investment Withholding Tax Best Practice and Strategies for Intermediaries and Investors
By Ross McGill
This book provides a clear and concise explanation of withholding tax and how to leverage best practice to generate improved investment performance. It gives practical guidance to financial service firms and investors to help them understand the issues involved, trends and practicalities of maximizing returns on investment.

The New Global Regulatory Landscape Impacts on Finance and Investment
by Ross McGill and Terence Sheppey
The New Global Regulatory Landscape provides a benchmark tool for financial intermediaries and Institutional Investors. Covering 24 international regulations across the UK, Europe, Asia/Pacific and the USA, the authors provide practical compliance tips for financial intermediaries and guidance on best practice for investors. The book highlights eight areas of critical overlap where regulatory requirements conflict and give rise to potential risk and liability. The authors use the historical perspective of some regulations to paint a picture of the future convergence of international regulation on data protection, corporate governance and tax.

Sarbanes Oxley Building Working Strategies for Compliance
by Ross McGill and Terence Sheppey
Since its inception, several lawsuits have been filed under the Sarbanes Oxley Act, some corporate executives are serving jail sentences and share prices of affected companies have dropped by millions. This book examines how compliance is achieved and maintained. It explores successful strategies and suggests effective measures for implementation..

Global Custody and Clearing Services
The global custody product was conceived out of changes to United States pension law. Today, service providers act for clients in many countries worldwide, handling assets across 100 countries of investment. The range of services is ever more sophisticated. Measured by the value of assets held under custody, it is a multi trillion dollar industry.
by Ross McGill and Naren Patel

Technology Management in Financial Services
By Ross McGill
Over $5 trillion will be spent on technology in the financial services sector in the next three years. While there are many books covering purely technical issues, this is one of the very few that look at the challenge of how to manage financial services technology in an area that under-pins almost every part of our global civilisation.

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