
Gain deeper insight with articles that give our considered opinion and predictions of where the industry will go next.

Muinmos and TConsult ink deal over digital investor tax self-declarations

Muinmos and TConsult have signed an agreement to integrate TConsult’s Investor Self-Declaration platform (ISD) into Muinmos’ Client Onboarding Platform, enabling Muinmos’ clients, typically financial institutions, to automatically obtain ISDs instead of using multiple paper tax certification forms to document the tax status of their clients.

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Argentina becomes latest jurisdiction to sign an IGA with the USA

The latest FATCA news is that Argentina has signed a Model 1A IGA with the US. We consider what this means for Argentine financial institutions.

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FATCA AML/KYC procedures in Hong Kong: State-of-the-art compliance?

Can tax authorities rely on the fact that financial institutions have adequate AML/KYC and client due diligence procedures in place to populate and file the fiscal information required under FATCA?

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  • GATCA: A Practical Guide to Global Anti-Tax Evasion Frameworks

    TConsult's subject matter experts Ross McGill, Chris Haye and Stuart Lipo have written a new book providing a practical guide to global anti-tax evasion frameworks. In this post, Stuart describes the context for the book...Read more

  • Are FATCA’s Dissenters Tilting at Windmills?

    Like Don Quixote, FATCA’s dissenters may have misidentified their enemy. So what is the problem with FATCA and what might happen if the anti-FATCA movement succeed in getting it repealed?Read more

  • The Challenges of GATCA

    The global anti-tax evasion frameworks that comprise GATCA have as many commonalities as they have differences, so it makes sense to approach regulatory compliance in a holistic fashion. In this post, we explore how smaller firms are responding to the pressures of compliance...Read more

  • FATCA Misconceptions

    For some within the industry, the mere mention of ‘FATCA’ is enough to spark compliance-nightmare flashbacks. The ever unpopular FATCA regulations have now been with us for seven years. But, despite its relative longevity, there are a surprising number of misconceptions surrounding FATCA....Read more

  • Will AEoI be the new Equifax?

    What are the data security risks associated with the AEoI framework? In this post, Ross McGill explores some of the risks and issues a stark warning to the financial services industry.Read more

  • Why W8? – Start re-papering over the cracks now!

    QIs and NQIs face a rare opportunity to dramatically increase their W-8 compliance rate by re-papering all existing clients using the IRS' new W-8 forms. Find out how such a project could benefit your firm and why it could be worth it in the long run.Read more

  • 3 Things To Annoy You About W-8s and 3 Things You’ll Love

    The IRS just made three HUGE changes to W-8 series of self certification forms used by almost every financial institution across the globe to categorise their non-US customers, and there's a lot to love...Read more

  • Remember your New Reporting Obligations Under AEoI / CRS

    You're just getting over the initial FATCA and QI reporting, submitted all of your 1042-S forms, and now you're looking ahead to September and the deadline for all those 1042 forms. However, you may need to report under AEoI/CRS at the same time. Are you planning ahead to avoid this headache?Read more