Gain deeper insight with articles that give our considered opinion and predictions of where the industry will go next.
Are AML and CFT Based Practices for Validation of Tax Residency Inadequate for AEoI CRS Purposes?
Marco Zawar shares his views on why Anti Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorsism related due diligence measures in Hong Kong are insufficient to meet financial institutions’ AML/KYC requirements under AEoI/CRS…
FATCA and CRS Curing Periods
Our affiliate, Marco Zawar, asks if FATCA and CRS document curing and classification requests to verify Change in Circumstances are being correctly implemented.
Deferral of FATCA and CRS Reporting Deadlines – Should You Be Taking Advantage?
With the entrance of Covid-19, a lot of things have changed in the world, and a lot of extra stressors have piled on. And it's left firms wondering, should they take advantage of the defered FATCA and CRS reporting deadlines?
Nationality, domicile, residency, citizenship and beneficial ownership
We often find that linguistic issues can cause problems for firms looking to establish the correct withholding rate for their clients. In particular, we have seen the distinctions between nationality, citizenship, domicile, residency and beneficial ownership cause a degree of avoidable consternation. In this post, we present a quick reference guide.
GATCA: A Practical Guide to Global Anti-Tax Evasion Frameworks
TConsult's subject matter experts Ross McGill, Chris Haye and Stuart Lipo have written a new book providing a practical guide to global anti-tax evasion frameworks. In this post, Stuart describes the context for the book...
The Challenges of GATCA
The global anti-tax evasion frameworks that comprise GATCA have as many commonalities as they have differences, so it makes sense to approach regulatory compliance in a holistic fashion.
In this post, we explore how smaller firms are responding to the pressures of compliance...
DTC 1042-S Announcements
August 24, 2022The DTC has recently launched a new service called the 1042-S Announcement service. This article is an opinion editorial (op-ed) providing our personal interpretation of the impact of the new service. Read more
Periodic Review and Certification: QIs in Taiwan Take Note
August 10, 2022Many financial institutions in Taiwan became qualified intermediaries in 2018 and 2019 and are now approaching their first periodic review. Find out what you need to consider when selecting a reviewer…Read more
August 10, 2022為了與國際金融機構接軌,越來越多的台灣金融機構,尤其是證券商,在2018年及2019年間向美國國稅局(IRS)申請QI資格。重要的是要記住,一旦成為QI並享有QI的好處,就必須履行QI義務。 QI合約規定,必須每三年向IRS認證您的合規性。要做到這點,首先您必須做一次定審。如果您在2018年成為QI,您必須在2022年完成一次定審,如此才能在2022年12月31日前完成IRS認證。如果您在2019年成為QI,則必須在2013年7月前完成一次定審。 定審代表您必須指派一位獨立且有能力的顧問,檢查您履行所有QI義務。規則非常複雜,且您不能用既有的顧問來做定審。 定審必須是獨立的 QI合約規定,查核人員必須具有充分獨立性來進行審查,且不能由「同一顧問公司」的任何人員來審查。因此,QI定審與認證其中一個原則是,RO必需知道查核人員是「獨立的」。如果他們之前已經有請顧問協助任何QI相關事務,例如:QI申請與合規計畫建立,IRS說他們的顧問「不是」獨立的。如此一來QI不能使用他們原本的顧問做為查核人員。這代表RO必需找一位獨立的人檢查QI是否徹底遵循他們的義務。 查核人員必須是有能力的 查核人員必須測試QI的帳戶,以確保他們正確地記錄客戶,而且文件是有效的、正確地預扣稅款,並對FATCA與QI正確地申報。對大多數金融機構而言,由他們內部稽核人員進行定審並不容易,因為他們對美國預扣稅合規的知識不足也不夠有經驗。所以,大多數QI仰賴外部稽核或第三方顧問。然而,台灣大部份的金融機構也使用第三方顧問來協助他們日常的QI合規工作,這意味著他們的顧問公司不能擔任定審的查核人員,因為他們不具獨立性。 尋找獨立的專家 不要認為定審和認證是簡單的例行公事。如果QI準備不充分或查核不準確,QI可能會受到IRS裁罰。TConsult Ltd被19個國家的客戶,包含台灣與亞洲的許多金融機構聘用為稅務專家,最重要的是我們具有獨立性。如果您想了解與規劃如何進行QI定審與認證,請與我們聯繫([email protected])。Read more
Are AML and CFT Based Practices for Validation of Tax Residency Inadequate for AEoI CRS Purposes?
June 27, 2022Marco Zawar shares his views on why Anti Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorsism related due diligence measures in Hong Kong are insufficient to meet financial institutions’ AML/KYC requirements under AEoI/CRS…Read more
Four things you need to know in the US tax reporting season
March 23, 20221042-S U.S. tax reporting season is upon us, so we are sharing our top tips based on the problems we see in the market. Find out how to ensure your reporting goes smoothly in 2022…Read more
3 Big Problems with US Tax Regulations
February 16, 2022We explore some of the problems we have encountered surrounding the use of Form W-8BEN-E by brokerages and issuers of equity linked instruments.Read more
February 11, 2022Ross McGill是TConsult Ltd董事長,也是跨境預扣稅務及反逃漏稅務法規的專家。本文內容僅作為一般參考資訊,不應作為提供稅務、法律或投資建議或適用於任何特定金融機構的依據。 我的2022年目標是每週寫一篇部落格文章。在每篇部落格文章中,我將提醒您必須做什麼、思考什麼與計畫什麼。我也會寫一些產業中正在發生的問題,這些問題可能導致錯誤或違反稅法。在這篇部落格文章,我將聚焦於美國預扣稅,也就是美國稅法第3章。未來的文章我將會關注FATCA (第4章)、第一章第871(m)節以及DAC6、AEoI、CRS、TRACE與歐盟預扣稅行為準則(the EU Withholding tax code of conduct)。如果您不知道上述縮寫含義,請持續關注我未來的文章,將會一一解說。 二月的行動、思考、計畫 如果您在一間有接觸美國證券市場的金融機構工作,您很可能有向美國國稅局(the IRS)申報的義務,無論您是合格中介機構(QI)或非合格中介機構(NQI)的身分。大多數人認為這種義務是在三月份發生的事情。確實如此,美國國稅局2021年稅務年度的1042-S和1042申報都在2022年3月15日截止。然而,您可以獲得額外的時間來提交申報。有三件事您必須知道,但大多數人只記得兩件。您可以獲得30天的展延至4月14日向美國國稅局申報1042-S。您可以獲得6個月展延至9月14日申報您的美國退稅(1042)。您也可以獲得30天的展延提供納稅人副本。最後一項是大多數人所忘記的,或是他們認為他們在美國國稅局的1042-S展延也適用於納稅人副本—其實不然。每項展延有不同的表單、格式與遞交方式。這是為什麼美國稅務申報不是從三月開始,當然也不是在四月結束。它在二月開始,在九月結束。 還是關於美國稅務申報的主題,您現在應該也在查看跟上一個申報期間相比,這次申報期間的新內容。通常會有一些編碼變更,如果您是自己申報,您應該確認515跟1187出刊物的新章節。記得,這些出刊物用於特定申報年度,因此請確定您查看的是正確的出刊物。美國國稅局還對FIRE(Filing Information Returns Electronically)網站以及登入方式進行一些變更。 注意或被抓 現在,如果您碰巧是一家非合格中介機構而您沒有揭露您自己的客戶資訊給其他金融機構,那麼您將必須依所得類別向美國國稅局申報您每位客戶的美國來源所得。我們遇到許多券商認為,因為美國國稅局已經獲得最高稅額(30%),他們既不需要申報或不申報也沒關係,因為您不可能被抓到。兩者皆是錯誤的。首先,美國國稅局沒有收到稅,是美國財政部收到稅款。美國國稅局是一個行政機構,他們對申報向財政部支付了什麼感興趣。第二,事實上,美國國稅局將會知道您的存在,因為您的交易對手,您從交易對手那裡收到的1042-S,將向美國國稅局申報您是一間有”未知納稅人”的非合格中介機構。這代表美國國稅局將預期收到您的資訊申報和美國納稅申報。逾期申報將會有罰款,如果幾年內都沒有申報,您可能會成為所謂的”故意無視”。只因為美國國稅局還沒有抓到您,並不代表他們不能或不會。問題是您是否準備好承擔財務和聲譽的風險。 […]Read more
5 things you need to know about U.S. tax reporting in 2022
February 7, 2022If your firm is exposed to the US securities market, you may have a 1042-S and 1042 reporting obligation to the IRS. Find out more...Read more
March 24, 2021The first in a series of articles designed to help financial firms in Taiwan understand the pitfalls and opportunities of trading in US securities or derivative financial products.Read more